Trespassing Threshold

Johannes Bosisio, Hubert Marot, Gabriela Pelczarska, Andrei Pokrovskii, Pei-Hsuan Wang

Review -  galerie ZÉRUÌ, London 

Trespassing Threshold at ZÉRUÌ gallery, in South London, brings together five international artists to explore notions of tension, surveillance and deus ex machina phenomena.

The immersive scenography, specific to this project, sets the tone: large metal plates obstruct the space, restricting the movement of bodies and gazes. A formal affinity is established between this cold, manufactured surface and the Led sign by Gabriela Pelczarska (Boundaries are where you end and other begin) that welcomes us into the show. Usually used outside to invite us into a shop, the illuminated sign warns us here that someone is watching us: "vigil". The traditional embroidery motifs that adorn this industrial object, despite being the product of a meditative craft technique, produce a strange effect of anachronism, a veritable distortion of time.

Evolving in the space, our silhouettes are reflected in the imposing distorting mirror, sometimes echoing the ghostly figures that inhabit Andrei Pokrovskii's canvases. These are small-scale paintings on wood, in which the artist's favourite symbolic architectures - a theatre stage, a church - exude a disturbingly surreal atmosphere. Shadowy creatures guard the space of the painting, as well as the gallery, from which the light seems to come.

In the metallic alcove at the centre of the room, Ahma, an anthropomorphic figure symbolising the passage from the world of the living to that of the dead, holds up the sky. Pei-Hsuan Wang's ceramic sculpture, inspired by Taiwanese mythology, becomes in this context a contemporary fetish that observes us, theatrical and autonomous.

On either side of the threshold formed by the aluminium wall, the paintings by Johannes Bosisio, one of which is presented in an American metal frame, play on the dichotomy between body and machine, face and mask, blood, water and the iridescent reflections of oil. Inspired by pagan festivals and their rituals, as much as by sprawling cities and their contemporary artefacts, he questions the figure of the cyborg through seductive and ambiguous images that our eyes seek to decipher.

The two photographs taken by Hubert Marot with his telephone at night in the streets of Paris are open enigmas as well, and they too are aimed directly at our vision. The windows of ground-floor flats are covered with matte filters, allowing only light to penetrate. These images, with their postmodern composition, reflect on the boundaries between exterior and interior, private and public, and on the libido vivendi, voyeurism that images provoke. The colour of each photograph in the series invades its frame, which is patiently sanded and polished, before being covered with the paint used in car bodywork. The paradox between the artist's tedious, painterly handiwork and the industrial character of the materials produces a troubling sense of déjà vu.


Leïla Couradin



Jelena Škulis -  Les chaînes de la liberté et les câbles de la connexion

Rien n’est vrai, tout est vivant - ESAPB

Charlotte Alves - Un trou dans le sable 

FUTURIBLES - avec Hilary Galbreaith, Andréa Le Guellec, Tania Gheerbrant, Sacha Rey, Baptiste Verrey

Camille Boileau - Le jardin des possibles 

Jeanne Chopy - Le rideau bouge encore ~

Lisa Duroux et Julie Kieffer - De cadence et d’amour

Adélaïde Feriot - Polaris

Bettina Samson - Spectral Summer, Le Parc Saint Léger 

Bénédicte Lacorre - Did something real happen ?

Vincent Gallais - L’instant de plus

Baptiste Charneux et Delphine Gatinois - Sécher le perroquet

La fête de l’insignifiance - exposition collective, Kunsthalle de Mulhouse 

Carla Adra - Bouche 

Léo Sallez - Relais des gourmets 

Victoria David - Snow Gum


Claire Dantzer - L’arrière boutique 

Lisa Duroux & Guillaume Perez - 
Loges, jardin, rivière

Béranger Laymond - Portrait

Xavier Veilhan, De plain-pied -FRAC Pays de la Loire 

Elodie Rougeaux - Portrait

Trepasing Threshold

Nawel Grant - Portrait 

Vega Lopez - Portrait 

Frédérique Fleury 

Catalogue de l’exposition de l’EMAP Corbas - notices

Camille Sart - Entretien (Résidence Voyons Voir)

Rémi Lécussan - Entretien (Résidence Voyons Voir) 

Brontë Scott - Entretien
(Résidence Voyons Voir) 

Amalia Laurent - L’édifice immense du souvenir, exposition au CACN

Collection du FRAC île de France - notices

Collection de EAP Vénissieux - notices

Valentin Martre - Sortie de Résidence Voyons Voir au Chantier Naval Borg

Un calamar à la surface, Rémi Lécussan, Ludovic Hadjeras, Benoît Pype

Amalia Laurent - Entretien, POST it RÉALITÉS

Claire-Lise Panchaud - Portrait

Collection de l’IAC de Villeurbanne (FRAC Rhône Alpes) - notices

Jean-Christophe Couradin - Portrait 

Christopher Daharsh - BIKINI

Frédéric Rouarch - La traversée 

Pierre Unal Brunet - Entretien, POST it MONSTRE

Celine Pierre - Entretien, Point Contemporain 

Sophie Hasslauer - Portrait, Point Contemporain

Katinka Bock - Portrait, Zérodeux 

Marianne Villière - Entretien, POST it #08

Romuald Jandolo - Entretien, CARF 03

Baptiste Charneux - Entretien, POST it #06

Anaëlle Rambaud - Entretien, POST it #04

Carla Adra - Entretien, POST it #02

Corentin Canesson - Entretien, CARF 02

Thomas Schmahl - Portrait, Point Contemporain

Predicted Autumn, Jochen Lempert, La belle revue 

L’odeur du ciel, Damien Fragnon et Naomi Maury, Tzvetnik

Radio, Katinka Bock, Point Contemporain

Pavillon, Guillaume Perez, Artaïs 

Les conventions ordinaires, Chloé Serre, La BF15, Zérodeux 

Partout, mais pas pour très longtemps, Convoi exceptionnel, Point Contemporain

Peaux des murs, Claire Georgina Daudin, Point Contemporain

Night Soil - Nocturnal Gardening, Mélanie Bonajo, La critique 

Entre-temps, portrait de Rémi De Chiara, Point contemporain

Cleptomanie Sentimentale, collection Saves, Point contemporain

Les coulisses du plateau, portrait de Naomi Maury, Point contemporain 

Sous la surface, portrait de Julie Digard, Point contemporain 

Eloge de l’imprévu, portrait de Damien Fragnon, Point contemporain

Le divan des murmures, exposition collective au Frac Auvergne, Zérodeux 

La Fête, La Musique, La Noce, Maria Loboda, Zérodeux 

Le monde ou rien, exposition collective au Gac Annonay, La belle revue 

Images évanescentes et dessins absents, Claire Georgina Daudin, Le mauvais coton

Les bruits silencieux, Olivier Zabat, Le mauvais coton

Dancing in the Studio, Pedro Barateiro, Le mauvais coton

Etoffes à décor de circonstance, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Le mauvais coton

Conversations silencieuses, exposition collective au Réverbère, Le mauvais coton

Marcher à la dérive, Alex Chevalier et Guillaume Perez, Le mauvais coton

Les éléphants se cachent pour mourir, Maxime Lamarche, Le mauvais coton

Promenade urbaine en négatif, Sehyong Yang, Le mauvais coton

Histoire des ensembles, Mathilde Chénin, Le mauvais coton

Cave Studies, Vincent Broquaire, Le mauvais coton